Germantown Country Dancers Presents

GCD October Social

Check out some of the highlights from our first online GCD Social. Please note that we only include recordings when presenters give us permission to do so. Underlined words showing in color and bold indicate a link to a recording.

October 2020 GCD Social

From the Callers Perspective

Liz Snowdon talked about "Finding new dances in books."

Farewell Song

Imogen Mills sang "The Wool Song" by Andra Herzbrun Horton": (chorus)
From the wool, from the sheep,
it was sheared, it was carded
It was spun, it was dyed,
it was hung and sorted
Wound into skeins until it could be knitted
into clothes to keep us warm
through the winter.

Breakout Rooms

Question #1: Tell us about a pet that you've had in the past or now.

Question #2: Tell us about a good experience that has happened to you during the pandemic.

Room names:

Old Friends
High Ginks
Fast Friends
The Introduction
New Friends